Thursday, September 25, 2008

True friend

I give this poem as a gift to my best friend , to Sandybelle for being such a dear friend and actually to all true friends all over the world

A True friend never trades you for anything.. However it's important to him or important to his life …
Or simply he never lies

When you are depressed … he'll do anything to make u happy again..
When you are sad he'll do his best to keep u smile…
He'll never leave you and run away…
Whatever happens and whatever you say..
He'll give you help whenever you need the help..
He'll give you hope whenever you badly want to cry
Whenever he hurts your senses he'll apologize by every way..
He is ready to go to the moon and bring you stars …
Just to make you give him your smile again … forgive him and to stop his cries
All that because he loves you for you and not for something else…

by violet.